Friday, 10 May 2013


When we were children, we believed in everything and everything seemed possible-every challenge, every dream, every task, if we put a little effort on it. We didn't care about the obstacles, problems in achieving our dreams. We only thought about solutions, how to get things done-cry,chase,grab.
As we start growing up, world seems difficult to handle, challenges remain as challenges, problems remain as problems ,we start running away from problems though we know that it takes us nowhere. 

So what are we missing??
1. Children think everything is POSSIBLE but we find problems in everything.
2. Children OBSERVE things around them, we overlook things.
3. Children don't keep ill feelings about others in heart, they cry,fight,shout only to FORGIVE them and start playing again.
4. Children are CURIOUS and DREAMERS, we tend to be biased.
5. Children find JOY in everything that they do which is what we miss the most.  
 Do see the video below by Adora Svitak for her excellent talk and her confidence in presenting :

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