Sunday, 12 May 2013


Google is set to revolutionize the way communicate and share by introducing Google glass into the market. For those who don’t know what Google glass is, I can describe it as a display that Iron man uses to get all kind of updates in the movie, a stuff directly coming out of science fiction.  

Google glass symbolizes technological triumph, man’s desire to make dream into reality. Its sure to take our communication frontier to next level. Watch the video below to know how it feels when you wear it.

Now coming to our blog's aim,to mock at Google glass.The video below does exactly that.

Friday, 10 May 2013


When we were children, we believed in everything and everything seemed possible-every challenge, every dream, every task, if we put a little effort on it. We didn't care about the obstacles, problems in achieving our dreams. We only thought about solutions, how to get things done-cry,chase,grab.
As we start growing up, world seems difficult to handle, challenges remain as challenges, problems remain as problems ,we start running away from problems though we know that it takes us nowhere. 

So what are we missing??
1. Children think everything is POSSIBLE but we find problems in everything.
2. Children OBSERVE things around them, we overlook things.
3. Children don't keep ill feelings about others in heart, they cry,fight,shout only to FORGIVE them and start playing again.
4. Children are CURIOUS and DREAMERS, we tend to be biased.
5. Children find JOY in everything that they do which is what we miss the most.  
 Do see the video below by Adora Svitak for her excellent talk and her confidence in presenting :

Saturday, 4 May 2013


I was simply going through some interesting pages on facebook,I found a video on what really makes a hero?.what all heros in our mythology/fiction have in comman?.What it means to be a hero in our real life.

I always thought that we cant do magic as harry potter does by reading a magic book,but we can create magics in real life by acquiring and exploring knowledge just like Graham bell created telephone so that people miles apart can speak to each other,which actually was a magic for many !

The most important ingredient for becoming a hero is to have villain,better the villain,more famous will be hero.Its the strength of villain that decides popularity of a hero.In real life,our best enemies are our worst fears,more we conquer them,more we become famous and get rewarded.

Dont miss out the video below.A must watch.